The health and social care system in the District
with increasing demand created by the growing
population and more people living with long term
Key Investment Areas
Mpandawana town is endowed with various key investment areas, these have been put into different clusters namely tourism, mining and infrastructure development.
In the tourism cluster, the local council intends to put up Woodlands lodges at Mushaviri dam site. This investment will be complimented with other uses such as site viewing, boat cruising, canoeing, rowing, safari camps and trophy fishing. As such Town council is looking for investors to partner with in this area of investment. The District is also endowed with precious
minerals in the form of tantalite in Chiwara and gold in the Zoma area. As such investors are welcome to venture
into mining of these minerals which are in
abundance in the mentioned areas. The town is also endowed with Investment
opportunities in the area of infrastructure
development. As such the local authority is looking for investors to embark in the construction of a solar field in Chatsworth close to Munyape dam. This project will feed in the ZEDTC national grid. Another investment area in Mpandawana is in the form of availability of stands. Stands
are available at Gutu junction commercial,
Chatsworth, and Matizha business centre