I am pleased to be sharing in this profile our progress as Gutu RDC in terms of our investment focus. Gutu is the northernmost district in Masvingo province with a mineral base which includes tantalite, emarald and gold.
There are numerous and exciting investment opportunities in the field of road repairs, water provision, sewer reticulation, street lighting, firefighting facilities, waste management, institutional, industrial and commercial stands developments and social amenities among others.
Gutu Rural District Council embraces the national mantra Zimbabwe is open for business hence our doors are open for business. I am happy to announce that convenience and friendly investor efforts to access Gutu Rural District projects remain our hallmark. As Gutu town we have come up with robust and flexible policies and programs which will facilitate easy of doing business in all facets of Council operations. To this end, Gutu RDC will continue to implement legal, institutional and administrative reforms to increase the ease of doing business. Turn around times have been reduced to exciting levels. Gutu RDC has flexible and negotiable terms for investors. Gutu town operates in an investor friendly environment.
It is vital to note that Gutu RDC upholds sound local governance principles in all facets of its operations. This is critical aspect which we shall continue to uphold as we do business with all our valued investors. Gutu RDC has qualified competent, experience and dedicated staff.
Our mission is to provide quality service delivery to all our stakeholders. All our operations and decision making is guided by realization hence the call for investors to explore the vast and numerous opportunities we have availed. We are committed to satisfy the needs of our stakeholders.
Gutu RDC remains committed to supporting our valued, esteemed and reliable stakeholders who include our clients, residents, suppliers and dedicated employees who generally render their services to the daily critical roles thus allowing the smooth functioning of Gutu RDC.
As Gutu RDC, we look forward to continuous improvement and excellent service delivery to our valued stakeholders. We have a strategic plan clearly spelling out our vision, mission and values. We cannot achieve the vision on our own hence the call the call for investors to be part of our vision of providing quality service delivery by 2030.
As the Chief Executive Officer, l am fully committed to address all investment issues with a culture of dialogue, unity of purpose and open communication cascading through all levels of Council.