Gutu Rural District Council is a rural local authority established in terms of subsection (1) of Section 8 of the Rural District Councils Act, Chapter 29:13. Council consists of 41 elected councilors and 3 appointed councilors seconded to the Town Board Committee.
The Council is chaired by a Councilor N. Zambara and the Vice Chairperson is Councilor Mannie.
A Provider of Quality Service
Delivery by 2030.
To exercise good governance through provision
of quality socio-economic services to our
clients in a sustainable manner.
Public and social services provision in full
compliance with National statutes and
constitution of Zimbabwe
Core Values
Transparency and
Honesty and Integrity
Efficiency and Effectiveness
Equal Opportunity
Our Clients
Business Community
Land Developers
Financial Institutions
Informal Sector
Population Dynamics
Mpandawana town consist of ward 33 and 34 and has a population of 30 000 people based on the last population census in 2012. These originate from various residential suburbs namely Old location, Hwiru, Gonville, Munhende, Gutu surbubs, Chomfuli, Mess camp and Mpandawana Extension.
District’s economy
The District has direct road and rail links with the major
urban centers as well as the neighboring countries
of South Africa, Botswana, Zambia and Mozambique.
It hinderland is enriched with natural resources
which includes gold and tantalite as well as rich
farmlands under crop and livestock production.
These resources make Gutu the home
of light industries as well as major
marketing, residential and educational centre.
Surrounding sceneries, well preserved
ancient ruins (Kubiku) and large dams also
make Gutu an attractive tourist destination
District’s Employment
The District has high poverty level which
means that most households have limited
access to employment opportunities, housing,
food, health care and other basic needs.
As a result, the District’s economy is largely
depended on informal sector activities which include
vending, flea markets, welding, dressmaking, hair
dressing, repairs, carpentry and market gardening.
This scenario accounts for the citizen’s inability
to pay for services provided council and thus
compromising council’s capacity to provide
efficient and reliable services to residents.
Under these circumstances, council is challenged
to pursue a vigorous local economic development
strategy to create employment, income generating
and entrepreneurship opportunities for the citizens.
Educational Facilities
Gutu Rural district Council
has, 124 primary schools
and 74 secondary schools.
Sandon Academy offers
both Campridge and
ZIMSEC, whilist the rest
schools offer ZIMSEC.
Mpandawana Town is located in Gutu District (Masvingo Province of Zimbabwe. It is bordered by Chikomba District in the extreme North, Buhera District in the North East,Bikita to the East, Masvingo District to the South and Chirumanzi Disrtict in the Midlands Province to the West.